Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 3, 2016

How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor

What is vaginal odor ?

On normal circumstance, vagina usually possess a slight odor. However, vaginal odor refers to somewhat strong smell coming out of the vagina, for example: “fishy” smell. Moreover, strong vaginal odor often indicates other conditions such as irritation, burning, itching and even discharge of the vagina.
Here are the top 15 most effective vaginal odor treatment which is extremely easily to apply at home and help you solve the problem of how to get rid of vaginal odor…

1. White Vinegar

The first and foremost method on how to get rid of vaginal odor is white vinegar. White vinegar is a natural odor removal which can dispel odor-causing proteins. Just simply pour approximately 150ml white vinegar and 100g salt to bath water (warm water is better than cold water) and then soak vagina in minutes.
White Vinegar - How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor
White vinegar can restore the vaginal pH level which limits the growth of female odor bacteria. You can use apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar to get the same effect.
With antibacterial and antiseptic properties, apple cider vinegar can counteract unpleasant female odors. You can use apple cider to bath daily so as to help balance the acidity of the vagina. Just mix two cups of apple cider in warm water then soak in the mixture for about 20 minutes then wipe. Or every day, you drink a glass of water containing 1-2 tablespoons apple cider.
Vinegar is extremely effective against any type of infections related to bacteria. You can find out more about its benefits and applications at: How to Prevent Gallbladder Problems.

2. Garlic

Garlic - How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor
Garlic is a natural antibiotic that can cure the infections as well as female odor in the vagina. You can eat raw garlic or add them in the daily dishes. Regarding tips on how to get rid of vaginal odor, it is the simplest one.

3. Baking Powder

Baking powder is an ingredient often used to restore the pH balance in the body which help solve the problem of how to get rid of vaginal odor.
Baking Soda - How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor

Mix 15g baking powder into a glass of warm water and drink each day or dissolve 150gbaking powder into a bath and soak yourself for about 20 minutes, then wipe with a soft towel. Baking powder is capable of preventing inflammation and known as an effective deodorizer.
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